
Thinking Outside the Box: How Brewdog Disrupted the Industry and Achieved Success: Summary

The key idea of the video is that perseverance, thinking outside the box, challenging traditional beliefs, moving quickly, creating memorable experiences, attention to detail, consistency, and striving for big visions are all important factors in starting a successful business.

Key insights

  • 💰 James’ experience as a crab fisherman in the middle of the ocean provided him with the skills and determination to build a billion-dollar company, highlighting the importance of unconventional experiences in shaping one’s entrepreneurial journey.
  • 💪 The speaker’s experience as a captain taught them valuable lessons in resilience, teamwork, and staying calm in the face of adversity, which they apply to their business challenges.
  • 💡 The best companies find a way to do things that their competitors won’t do and can’t do, leading to unique and successful outcomes.
  • 🚖 Innovation often comes from individuals who are new to the industry and don’t have preconceived notions or limitations, like how Uber disrupted the taxi industry.
  • 🤔 To compete with big competitors, focus on doing what they aren’t willing to do and take calculated risks, leveraging the advantage of having less to lose.
  • 💰 The key to success is breaking down goals into smaller, achievable steps, as each milestone reached increases the likelihood of succeeding.
  • 🍻 “A beer can that looks like this totally different on a shelf.” – James highlights the significance of unique and eye-catching packaging in creating magic moments and driving success.
  • 🌍 We want to build one of the top five beer businesses on the planet, but we also want to do it in a way that has a positive impact on our community, team, and the planet.

🚀 The founder of Brewdog shares his seven secrets for starting a successful business, emphasizing perseverance and overcoming challenges, drawing inspiration from his experience as a crab fisherman.

  • 🚀 James started Brew dog, a Scottish microbrewery, with no industry experience, and their success came from thinking outside the box and breaking away from competitors.
    • James started Brew dog, a Scottish microbrewery, with his friend and a dog, and their success in making millions came from the cross-pollination of ideas and not sticking to the same commercial approach as other alcohol companies.
    • Not knowing the industry norms and having no experience can be a superpower in business, as it allows for finding unique ways to succeed and break away from competitors.
  • 🚀 Challenging traditional beliefs and breaking the rules can lead to success in starting a company, as exemplified by the creation of Uber, and using adversity as a catalyst for growth by taking risks that larger companies are unwilling to take.
    • In the alcohol industry, the speaker challenges the traditional belief that ads must go through distributors, suggesting that questioning the rules and breaking them can lead to success in starting a company.
    • Success often comes from approaching an industry with fresh eyes and a willingness to break the rules, as exemplified by the creation of Uber.
    • The speaker legally changed their name to Elvis in order to avoid paying a license fee for using the name in their beer, resulting in tens of millions of dollars in sales.
    • Use adversity as a catalyst to find opportunities for growth by taking risks that larger companies are unwilling to take, in order to achieve a one to ten ratio of impact.
  • 💡 Moving quickly is the key to success in business, as compressing time and being the first to market can significantly increase earnings and build momentum.
  • 💡 Companies should create memorable experiences for customers and maintain tenacity in order to achieve success.
    • The key to success is breaking down goals into smaller, achievable steps and maintaining tenacity, as the first dollar made is the hardest and many people fail not because something is difficult, but because they quit.
    • Companies should focus on creating memorable and surprising experiences for customers in order to connect with them emotionally and build a strong connection.
  • 🔑 Walt Disney’s attention to detail and focus on perfection, along with engaging in activities like reading and traveling, were key factors in his success and can inspire great ideas in business ventures.
    • Walt Disney’s attention to detail and focus on perfection was a key factor in his success, and James has adopted a similar strategy in his business ventures.
    • Every business needs a magical moment to connect with customers and stand out, and to achieve this, one must engage in activities like reading, traveling, and spending time with interesting people to gain inspiration and generate great ideas.
  • 📈 Michael Jordan’s mindset and preparation, including his specific routine of always wearing brand new shoes before every game, contributed to his success in sports, while also emphasizing the importance of consistency and attention to detail in all aspects of life.
    • Michael Jordan’s mindset and preparation, including his specific routine of always wearing brand new shoes before every game, contributed to his success in sports.
    • Michael Jordan refused to wear a pair of shoes because he believed that the way you do anything is the way you do everything.
    • Create a business that is different from others by filtering out unnecessary information, focus on building a top five beer business that is community-owned, sustainable, and has a positive impact on the community, team, and planet.
  • 💰 Entrepreneurs strive to create empires and achieve big visions, not just passive income, and if you want to build your own empire, subscribe for the next video.